Zermatt 2003 - Foul Play in Chalet Doom!
WDSC's boys' week in Zermatt was much enjoyed by all for the wonderful scenery, snow conditions and incident -packed times in "Chalet Doom".
Foul play was suspected when Jolly Man, Peter Fraser, nearly succumbed to the ministrations of a piece of duck!
He has now vowed to masticate, at least I think that's what he said, more often and has only eaten pureed food since.
The Absent Member was unfortunately injured when attempting to sit on the knee of a middle-aged woman on a chairlift. In his delirium, he was heard to mumble, "Kim, soon there will be nothing to divide us, " but was coherent enough to deny saying this when handed a heavy fine for nauseating behaviour.
Joe, the boy from the Boot Room, Cunningham missed a day's skiing looking for the idiot who had taken his skis by mistake - only to find that he had, in fact, taken the wrong boots.
Nevertheless, a great time was had by all and the experience, minus the untoward incidents, will, no doubt, be repeated in the near future.