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La Tania 2018-Chalet Doom Quatre?

Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! - to misquote Baldrick.


WDSC was once again hit by the Jinx which has dogged them since 2003 and this year we can't blame Andy!


Chalet Amber was, for another year, the scene of more disasters - Chalet Host Ruth suffering an injury before we even arrived. More of that later,though.


Silverski provided another great holiday, Anna and Ruth being lively and entertaining hosts for a second year.


Our group of Jane "Ginmeister" Fraser, Peter "Birthday Boy" Fraser, Hugh "Rhino" Milroy, Alex "Doc" Milroy, Les "First Tracks" Oborn, Norman "The Swooner" Seddon, Paula "Pole Dancer" Stewart, Don "Fast and Furious" Firth- Williamson, Colin "Catch Me if You Can" Jones, Mike "Mr Entertainment" Doyle and Joe "Insure and Go" Cunningham all appeared to have an excellent time exploring every corner of Les Trois Vallees and many varieties of gin.


Monday was, to quote Shakespeare, "Lemony Snicket Day", with its series of unfortunate events. Norman was the first to suffer, when he swooned twice in the La Tania Gondola queue. Extensive tests found no reason for this. The Medical Centre did not, however, test for "over-gindulgence" the previous night. The Rhino crashed into Paula on an apparently empty slope, clearly distracted by her pole dancing, but, fortunately, no one was injured.


The last but not least unfortunate incident occurred when Joe decided, once again, to test the effectiveness of his "Insure and Go" policy. A goat like leap out of his bindings, ironically on the White Goat run, led to an expensive extraction from the mountain by the local piste patrol (505 euros). Unable to ski for the rest of the week, he was able to thoroughly check the local bus timetables.


The rest of the week passed without further incident, with some excellent sunny days. Norman decreased his gintake and had no more problems, even making some faint first tracks on the Tuesday. Joe relived his childhood memories on the carousel at 1850 and even checked out the Aquamotion Centre. Hope the leg is recovering, Joe. The quiz was an honourable draw and Norman, given his new status as a technophile (He now knows how to turn a mobile phone on but not how to communicate with it.), was voted in as communications officer.


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